2025 Rooming List Changes
School Name
Ensemble Name
Name of person completing form
Email of person completing form
I Need to make the following change:
Please select...
Add a Participant
Remove a Participant
Replace one Participant with another Participant
A Participant is moving from one room to another (NOT swapping places with another Participant)
Two Participants are swapping rooms
Other (Please explain the change below)
The affected person(s) is a:
Please select...
Bus Driver
Other Adult
New Participant (First & Last)
Existing Participant (First & Last)
Current Room
Enter the name of at least one other roommate.
New Room
Enter the name of at least one other roommate.
Participant 1 (First & Last)
Current Room (Participant 1)
Enter the name of at least one other roommate.
New Room (Participant 1)
Enter the name of at least one other roommate.
Participant 2 (First & Last)
Current Room (Participant 2)
Enter the name of at least one other roommate.
New Room (Participant 2)
Enter the name of at least one other roommate.
If needed, please explain this change in more detail: